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Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 7th 2020 and the world is screaming in pain.  I HATE what I hear. I hate that I don't know what to do, and I hate the intimidation. If you pick the wrong side you are labeled a racist or you are going to shame another side. No human being should have that much power.  What's worse the word hate it's the root cause of all of the noise. So what happened?

2020 began with fear of an illness, loss of lives, jobs, and families afraid of where their next paycheck would come, then the HATE. 
Fear turned to hate when a major injustice was done to George Floyd. The loss of his life is tragic and breaks my heart, the fear that evolved to a hate driven power movement, brings me to my knees. 
The question: how do I change my narrative where does hate become love? If hearing that word so many times starts to make you cringe . . . good. This is just writing, look at what happens when it plays out on the street. There are reasons so many people cry out for love because it is the opposite of hate and when that starts in the mind, applies in person, the world will change!

So what is the solution:  That is a big question.  What I know is that it's not the loud screaming, looting, and the violence on both sides that got the world's attention. It was the silence. George Floyd went silent and the injustice was heard! 
 When the platform opened to discuss racial injustice we as a whole group needed to come together, not to shame, kill and destroy, but to educate, listen, and love.
I can't learn more about what is going on in life of my black brother and sister if everyone is violently wiping people out, or race shaming for being white and never understanding.

But I personally can hear a story, (and make a change) when my heart is turned up, and the noise is turned down. I will never know what it is like to be black. But I do know what it is like to be human and care! I believe that is what God the Lord Jesus Christ wants and what  his love can look like. 

For us to remember that the God who breathed, breathe into our lungs will breathe it again! He will keep us going. He stands for black lives to matter, so that we all can unify, and do the same thing in love.

I pray for Jesus to touch this nation-created as ONE under God, with liberty and justice for all!


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